Sunday, October 18, 2015

No, I Didn't Fall Off the Face of the Earth

However, sometimes Montana does feel like it might not be on the same Earth as Ohio.

That being said, a fair amount has happened since my last post, including my family (minus Charles and Tonia) and Jon and Heather coming to see us! I will naturally let my pictures do most of the talking, since I'm a woman of few words. COUGH. Most of you will have seen a lot of these pictures on fb, but this way my friend Traci can see them. =)

Derrick came for a long weekend while my parents were here, which was so much fun. =) We hiked Glacier... in the smoke. The whole valley was covered in smoke for probably around a month. Ugh. It definitely blocked the views but it was still a good hike.

Enjoying an evening at home. =)

Right before my parents left the smoke lifted! This was when we drove up Blacktail Mountain close to Lakeside.

My dad took these last few beautiful pictures. The sunset was gorgeous!

The day after Jon and Heather got here we went mountain biking. =D It was so much fun! (at least some of us thought so) ;)

You could see the Glacier Mountain peaks from the top. Gah.

Next we went zip lining which was fabulous.

Our nerdy looking little group. =D And no, Heather and I were not intentionally matching. We're just a little too much alike.

That evening we went to an amazing little Italian restaurant. We decided to take pictures afterwards since we finally looked presentable after all our crazy activities.

I love this couple so much! Well, mostly just Heather, but you're pretty okay too Jon. haha ;)

After being inseparable for most of 23 years and moving waaay out here, it was high time for us to be together again. But it was far too short.

This is completely off topic, but I think spouses are like security blankets for adults.

Then we hiked a beautiful part of Glacier that we had never been too... it was a 14.7 mile hike on the Swiftcurrent Pass trail. The clear sky and changing leaves made it just look even better, which I didn't know was possible!

*Swoon* Could it get any more beautiful??

Heather and I obviously just feeling like all that and more.

Just one of the amazing views on the way up.

Here we were allllmost at the top. I want to go hike it again!

The view at the top. Heaven's Peak is almost at the center of the picture.

It was freezing up there! I was wishing I would've brought my parka. Not that I have one.

The amazing view on our way home!

Now moving on to normal life, sans family and friends... ='(

These strawberries just suddenly showed up in my flowerbeds! I think they're a little confused as to what season this is. I didn't even know I had a strawberry plant! There's still like 2 or 3 strawberries out there getting ripe. =) And these cupcakes... mmmm. Brown butter pumpkin cupcakes with cinnamon cream cheese frosting. It's quite a mouthful. Both the name and the cupcake. =D

My favorite birch tree. =) Almost all the leaves are off now and I just took these pictures a week ago! I took that first picture through my dirty-ish bedroom window and it's still beautiful. =]

I love these flowers, whatever they are. They were just green all summer long but now they're gorgeous. 

And here are the modest beginnings of the tv stand Daryl made. =)

The completed stand before he sanded/stained/finished it. He did so good! I'm uber impressed. Now he's gonna get sucked into making piles of furniture for me.

Here he's putting the first coat of stain on...

And this was after both coats of stain.

Now it's sitting comfortably in our house, looking fabulous. =) We had to re-arrange some of our furniture, and I'm enjoying the switch-up.

It seriously looks store-bought, but twice as sturdy. ;) He is quite talented.

The only bad thing is that it's now VERY noticeable that we need a loveseat or recliner. Don't worry, that little stand won't be sitting there too much longer. =)

Well, I think I pretty much have everyone caught up on the main things that have been happening here on the other side of the world. But now I feel like a worthless pile of poo since I've been sitting here so long working on this. Hooooww to people do this for a living. I look forward to hearing from you all! =)


  1. Thanks for the update. I would love to be there and help you decorate and re-arrange. So since you like to hear from us, here goes......Your picture is now fighting with your TV. Could it go above your piano or above the white stand would be pretty and then put the clock above the piano. Another suggestion......don't hang your items so high they should be closer to eye level. Obviously your huge picture has to be up higher. Since I don't have tall ceilings I went wide with my picture. I did have to look for a couple of years to find what I wanted, so my wall was empty for a long time. Having said all this, now do exactly however you want. Just giving you several tips. I'll text you a pic of my picture

    1. Ohhh wide pictures are a good idea! I never thought of that. And I would totally want that picture above the piano again, but that wall is too small and has a thermostat thingy on it. =/ For now I'll probably just keep an eye on them and hope the fighting doesn't get out of hand.

  2. Heeeey there, ol' pile o' poo! Oh, you weren't serious? Gotcha. *sigh* If only there was space under each picture to comment (since my thoughts/opinions are SO vital to your existence. *please note that comment is dripping with sarcasm as you cannot read my facial expressions through a computer* FB is just so much easier.

    The pictures with Mom & Daddy and Derrick make my heart pitter patter. Just thinking of Christmas makes my heart a warm puddle of goop. I can't wait to watch you play with Kierra! She says Daryl is a punk. Well pretty everyone is labeled either that or happy. And I am soo glad Jon & Heather went out. I feel like in some very small and insufficient way, Jon took my place. Haha just kidding, Jon!

    And again, those pictures of you in the blue & white!! *wipes drool from phone* You are so beautiful! I love you to the moon and back. ;) 🌛

    Your new stand is quite impressive. Good job, Daryl! I'll be expecting mine at Christmas. Thanks in advance. I'll have a bag of Reese's for you to share with your security blanket. What an awesome analogy! Never thought of it that way, but it's very true! Well I better get dinner started. Ki will wake up soon, and I have 3 more piano lessons. See you in 2 months! *big Gloriea hug*

    1. Well, my sarcasm detector is pretty sharp, so I usually get it even WITHOUT facial expressions. I'm so bright.

      And yes I wish so bad you could've been here when they were here. hehe so what does Kierra say I am? Prolly foofoo. =p

      His next project is building a jet so you guys come see us. And for me to come get that reese's. =D

  3. Beautiful pictures! I was there when we discovered the strawberry plant in your flower bed. I could give you a lot more! Good job on the tv stand, Daryl. Wish Montana weren't as far away so we could visit more often. Mom
